Maria Taferl
Starting point at the hiking tree
- Running and Nordic Walking
- Length of the route: 3.5 km, circular route
- Walking time: 45 minutes
- Characteristics: forest- meadows- gravel road
- Distance: 2 km (one way)
- Walking time: 30 minutes
- Characteristics: shady forest path
Starting point at the ship station
(Alternative to starting point Maria Taferl)
- Length of the route: 6 km
- Round trip with destination Basilica
- Walking time: 1.5 – 2 hours
- Characteristics: Wald- Wiesenweg (20% asphalt)
- Length of the route: 8,5 km
- Walking time: 3-4 hours
- Characteristics: Climb path (30% asphalt)
- Alternative way back via Kracking
- Length of the route: 11.5 km
- Walking time: 4-5 hours
- Characteristics: woodland and shady (20% asphalt)
- Distance: 1.5 km (one way)
- Walking time: 45 minutes (one way)
- Characteristics: partly forest path, Bußstiege
- Half asphalt road
- Length of the route: 3,5 km
- Rundwanderweg
- Walking time: 1 hour
- Characteristics: meadow path (50% asphalt)
Zur schönen Aussicht
- Distance: 1.5 km (one way)
- Walking time: 30 minutes (one way)
- Description: Panoramablick over Marbach